Your donation makes our work possible!
As a donor, you have the opportunity to help make our work possible in a concrete way through a one-time gift or through regular financial contributions and thereby becoming a part of the Heart Works team! With the exception of our EU-funded research work, our day-to-day work is financed exclusively through donations, and every euro is valuable for our clients and us!
“Herzwerk” is on the list of deductible donation recipients (registration number SO 1610) in Austria. If you want to claim your donation for tax purposes in Austria, when you donate the first time, please provide your first and last name and your date of birth when you transfer the money. For more information on the processing and protection of your data, please see our privacy policy (German only).
Bank Information EU
BIC: BKAUATWW - UniCredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT78 1200 0100 3539 5572
Bank Information USA
From the US donations are possible through one of our partner organizations:
click here!
Enter "Heart Works" in the drop-down menue "What would you like your donation to support"
World Venture-Donate
click here!
Enter "6407-908-Ministry to People in Prostitution and Victims of Human Trafficking" in the search bar
When donating through PayPal, Heart Works will be charged (1,9 % + 0,35 €) in fees.
For donations made within the EURO Zone, please use our account with UniCredit Bank Austria AG, so neither side will be charged any additional fees.
Donate in USD:
Donate in EUR:
With the following QR-Code, you can simply transfer a donation to Heart Works by using your Bank-App on your smart phone. In order to do this, open the Bank-App, select the function Transfer, and select Scan Payment Form or QR-Code. You just need to choose the amount, and have the payment authorized.