About Us
Our Approach
Interacting as Equals
Heart Works provides services specifically for people who are working in prostitution in Vienna, for those who have left prostitution, and for those affected by human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. This includes support for — coping with difficult everyday life situations, the challenges involved in exiting prostitution, and in the development of a new perspective for the future.
We treat each individual as an equal. We see a respectful and trust-based relationship as the foundation for the establishment of steps towards aspired growth. Depending on the needs and wishes of the person, we set off together on an individual-specific journey of counseling and support.
Our holistic, resource-oriented approach includes outreach work in the milieu, psycho-social counseling and support for our clients, research and public relations work, and our involvement in networks and politics. Based on 15 years of outreach experience, there are often coercive situations that influence the everyday lives of our clients. In a private setting, we work together to come up with individual solutions. Personal empowerment is always the top priority.
We live out our interdenominational diaconal mandate based on our Christian view of humanity: Every person—regardless of origin, nationality, work, sexual orientation, or religion—is a person who is loved and respected by God with inviolable worth. We encounter with respect and esteem those who often experience degradation, violence, and stigmatization in and through prostitution.
A good network is indispensable in the work that we do. Therefore, our connections to safe houses and counseling centers—on both a local level and in our clients’ countries of origin—are just as important as our relationships to doctors, authorities, official offices, social institutions, and our partner organizations involved in education, politics, and business.
Our History
Concern and a Pressing Question
When Rachel Zuch, the founder of Heart Works, and her husband moved to Vienna from the US in 1989 for their work, she was struck by the numerous brothels she saw throughout the city. On the way to her daughter’s elementary school, they passed several establishments every day, and Rachel wondered, "Who are the women who work here? Where are they from? Are they working here voluntarily, or what or who is behind them entering prostitution?
Driven by these questions, Rachel began to research the situation until in 2006, she participated in a diaconal theme day on the topic of "Prostitution and Human Trafficking.” It was here that she gained more insight into the circumstances behind many of the women and men who are working in prostitution in Vienna. The vision to begin an organization, which would meet these women and men on a holistic basis according to their needs, took root. She sensed that it wasn’t just about improving working conditions, but rather, it should address the question: "What do you want as a person?”
The Kickoff
In January 2007, Rachel organized an informational evening to make more people in her sphere of influence aware of the topic of prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Vienna. This was the kickoff for the founding of Heart Works as an organization. The vision for this organization was to go to the women and men in prostitution where they were in order to build relationships of trust, offer professional counseling and support, as well as, to learn about the stories, needs, dreams, and desires of the clients and then together to consider where and how Heart Works could provide support. Small teams were formed for these purposes, and they began to visit men and women at the Viennese street prostitution zone with hot coffee and chocolate. The foundation for the outreach work had been laid.
The Team and Areas of Involvement Grow
In 2009, after two years of outreach work and thanks to a generous supporter of the organization, Heart Works’ first office space in the 7th district was set up. From this point on, we could offer counseling and social services within a protected space.
The Heart Works team continued to grow, and Heart Works’ political involvement started during a OSCE(Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) conference on human trafficking in Vienna.
In the first few years, Heart Works outreach team encountered not only Eastern European women, but also many Nigerian women. They were often affected by human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Heart Works’ growing local as well as international network made it possible to offer concrete support to these victims. Additionally, Heart Works staff became familiar with and promoted prevention work in Nigeria.
New Ideas and Projects
In 2013, four years after moving into its first office, it was time to move into a larger space. At Beheimgasse 1 in the 17th district, Heart Works found not only larger offices, but also the space to be able to offer their weekly "Treffpunkt“ (“Meeting Point” - drop-in center). Here women and men in prostitution can drop by without an appointment on a weekly basis with Heart Works associates for coffee and cake or for counseling and questions for the social workers.
There was also a lot happening on a political level. The European Commission had founded “The Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings”, to which around 100 NGOs from all over Europe are invited to Brussels twice a year for an exchange of ideas—and Heart Works is a sitting member. In 2015, the “Austrian Platform against Exploitation and Human Trafficking” was also founded. Heart Works has been represented here as a founding member since its beginning.
Heart Works associates continued to provide support for many Nigerian women, who were either still working in prostitution or were in the process of leaving it. In order to be able to better support their integration into Austria, an educational program "Education for Integration“ was initiated and ran parallel to "Treffpunkt.“
Reason to Celebrate and to Fight
Heart Works’ 10-year anniversary—a reason to celebrate! In February 2017, Heart Works celebrated with local and international guests and network partners all that had happened over the past decade—and that was a lot.
In the same year, Heart Works became a partner in the EU-funded project “BINIs” (“Best Practices in Tackling Trafficking – Nigerian Route” - 2017-2018), which focused on the situation of Nigerian people who had been trafficked for sexual exploitation in Europe.
A second EU project followed quickly thereafter: in January 2019, the "INTAP“ Project - (Intersectional approach to the process of integration in Europe for survivors of human trafficking (sexual exploitation) from Nigeria and China, particularly women and mothers - 2019-2020) was launched. This project aimed at improving integration measures for Nigerian and Chinese female victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation.
In 2020, the Corona pandemic also hit the people in prostitution with full force. Many experienced existential fears and contacted us in need of counseling and support. Thanks to our generous donors, Heart Works has been able to continue to provide practical help through the distribution of food vouchers and second-hand clothing, in addition to the counseling and support it has always offered.
Up and Coming
The third EU project “EVI” (Empowerment of victims of gender-based violence through vocational integration - 2022-2023) started up in January 2022 with several partner organizations from Germany and Heart Works’ daughter organization “Hope for the Future.” This time the project focuses on the topic of work integration of clients. The EVI project aims to provide optimal support and networking for people who have left prostitution and those affected by human trafficking for sexual exploitation on their way into a new and safe working environment. The topic of work integration will be a central one in the upcoming years.
Heart Works has yet another reason to celebrate in the summer of 2022: We will be 15 years old! We are so incredibly thankful for the many wonderful encounters, relationships, and conversations with our clients as well as our supporters and network partners!
A good network is indispensable for our work!
In order to be able to offer the best counsel and support to people in prostitution and those who have exited prostitution, we work closely together with local organizations, specialized counseling centers, social institutions, authorities, and partners from education, politics, and business.
In our involvement against human trafficking for sexual exploitation, we are also connected to specialized organizations and emergency shelters for trafficked people in their home countries. We are involved in the following networks on a European and international level: